Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Rome)

Lead-Glazed Ware - S. Maria in Aracoeli
Lead-Glazed Ware – S. Maria in Aracoeli

ARCHAEOLOGIAE XVIII. 1-2, 2020, 11-80 (Martin, Cuyler, Banducci 2020)


The material comes from an excavation carried out by Frank Brown in 1963, for which very little
information survives. Indeed, the selected ceramic finds, without any indications of context,
stored at the American Academy in Rome constitute the main attestation of it.

The larger part …..

With this publication, our intention was to go as far as possible in paying a debt owed to the
scholarly community by presenting what can now be said about this excavation. We hope also to
provide pottery specialists an assemblage that may offer useful comparanda for other sites at
Rome and a discussion of wares and types at times not well known there.

In this Addendum:
The table of contents of the article, along with author attributions, have been included for easy
reference. (pages 2-4).
As Archaeologiae does not publish in color, color photographs are given here of the finds
published there in black-and-white (pages 5-23).
Images are also presented of the fabrics of those wares that are not already well known in the
literature (pages 24-61).
Finally, there is an errata corrige (page 62).

An Intensive Pottery Survey at Çandarlı (Ancient Pitane)

Eastern Sigillata from Çandarlı
Eastern Sigillata from Çandarlı

Dear Colleagues,

We happily inform you on an intensive survey at Çandarlı (ancient Pitane) where in 1911 Siegfried Loeschcke (Athenische-Mitteilungen 1912__p0360-0423) discovered evidence of what turned out to be the very first archaeologically attested production centre of terra sigillata in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Pitane Survey (2019-2020) is part of the larger regional TransPergMikro project (, which is funded by the German Science Foundation and directed by the Istanbul branch of the German Archaeological Institute, the Free University in Berlin, the Technical University in Berlin, the Celal Bayar University in Manisa, and the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel.

Zur Abfolge der ersten Dekorationsserien der Reliefsigillata-Töpfer in Rheinzabern

Mit 3 Beilagen (A – C)

Von Friedrich-Karl Bittner


Ricken 1942, Taf. 10,6
Ricken 1942, Taf. 10,6


Based on various criteria (especially the use and sequence of the ovolos, regarded as a control function within the manufactory), F.-K. Bittner tries to rearrange the sequence of the decoration series within the Rheinzabern mould-made sigillata, unfortunately presented by Heinrich Ricken without justification. Bittner divides the production in Rheinzabern into potter’s generations, of which the first two are treated here. In the center of the interest are the positions of Cobnertus I and III and Reginus I. The attached lists of figure types facilitate the traceability of Bittner’s proposals.

 Auf Grund verschiedener Kriterien (besonders der Verwendung und Abfolge der Eierstäbe, die als Kontrollfunktion innerhalb der Manufakturen angesehen werden) versucht F.-K. Bittner eine Neuordnung der von H. Ricken leider ohne Begründung vorgelegten Abfolge der Dekorationsserien der Reliefsigillata-Töpfer in Rheinzabern. Bittner teilt die Produktion in Rheinzabern in Töpfergenerationen ein, von welchen hier die ersten beiden behandelt werden. Im Zentrum des Interesses stehen die Positionen von Cobnertus I und III und Reginus I. Die beigefügten Punzenlisten erleichtern die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Vorschläge Bittners.