Dear Fautores, dear Colleagues, I’m pleased to report you the largest community on the web (more than 6300 members to date) about ceramology, the Facebook Group “CERAMICA IN ARCHEOLOGIA/ POTTERY IN ARCHEOLOGY“, in which I linked this blog. I wait for you with your contributions. Click HERE to enter.
* 1965 in La Spezia and living and working in Rome. He has been working as a freelance collaborator of the Soprintedendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma for the last 20 years, directing urban, multi-phased excavations in Rome.
Specialist in Roman pottery (and Fautor since 2009), especially for lamps, African red slip ware and terra sigillata italica.
He founded the Facebook group, Ceramica in Archeologia /Pottery in Archaeology, the largest archaeological community on the web.
Since 2013 he's in charge of the study of the pottery recovered during the excavations in Scoglietto, Spolverino and Umbro by the Alberese Archaeological Project