Acknowledgment of the Administrator

Today I am very happy to announce: The Blog of the RCRF is now online!

That should be the occasion to express my gratitude to all who had contributed to it:

First of all Jonas Hellwig, web-designer and specialist for social media, who, together with his collaborator Michael Ernst, created the blog entirely according to our wishes.

(For informations about his company look at:

But just as well I want to thank my colleagues Philip Kenrick, Susanne Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger and Viorica Rusu-Bolindet, who helped me with many good advises, corrections and so on.

Now I wish our Blog many followers and contributors interested in all kinds of Roman pottery and eager to discuss their latest researches or open questions with others.

Dr. Fridolin Reutti

The OCK Database

Users of the OCK database of potters’ stamps on Italian terra sigillata will know that it is increasingly difficult – if not impossible – to run this old Paradox program on newer versions of Windows.
The best solution appeared to be to find a web-platform for the database, and in 2011 I was offered the opportunity for it to be incorporated within the databases hosted by the Oxford Roman Economy Project. Unfortunately, this has proved more challenging than expected and it has not come to fruition.
Please be assured that I still have an urgent interest in this and am seeking other solutions! In the mean time, while I am still intending to make further revisions/additions to the catalogue, it is obviously more important to bring the 2000 edition back into a more usable state.